HPE Networking Instant On for Hospitality

5-star stays. No IT headaches.

Whether you run a small B & B or the hottest boutique hotel in town, fast, secure, and reliable network access is key to guest and employee satisfaction.

Instant on for hospitality

Exceed guest expectations

Guests expect increasingly more out of their travel experiences. And with voice assistants, Bluetooth IoT gadgets, and more going mainstream, they expect their hotel to be as tech-savvy as they are.

However, those bandwidth-demanding smart devices can put excess load on the network, resulting in slow and spotty Wi-Fi. Instant On access points and switches help growing hospitality businesses without dedicated IT staff deliver state-of-the-art amenities without breaking the bank.


Keep your guests checked in

Bolster common areas

From parking lots to poolside, your hotel front lobby and shared areas are the defining first touchpoint for guests. Dead zones and spotty connectivity can be prevalent in common areas, affecting both guest experience and interactive signage.

Powered by Smart Mesh, Instant On APs work together to automatically extend coverage of broad areas, enabling seamless roaming. Combined with the expanded port capacity of Instant On, you get an ideal network solution to handle high-bandwidth digital signage, POS systems, and video walls.

Innovative smart rooms

From keyless doors to touch panels to control lighting and window coverings, smart devices can give hotels a competitive edge.

To realize that advantage, these smart devices need the next-gen wireless connectivity that Wi-Fi 6 technology offers. Instant On APs allow you to prioritize voice, video and other multimedia applications to ensure the best experience. And our APs are also backward-compliant, supporting older smartphones, tablets, and other technologies.

Protect guest and employee data

Hotels are handling and storing more and more sensitive guest data, from home addresses to credit card information. Keeping data safe becomes even more complicated if your B&B is operating on a single network where all data collection occurs. As a result, smaller hospitality businesses, often without cybersecurity specialists, are increasingly vulnerable to bad actors.

Instant On APs and switches offer built-in security that automatically protects against malware attacks. Using the mobile app, you can create separate networks, segment traffic, and define who can access the network to help prevent cyberattacks.

Ready for Wi-Fi that simply works for you?
